Who We Are

Customer Solutions Partners is your team of customer engagement and sales optimization experts. We add value to your organization in a scaled approach, allowing you to pick the level of support you need.

We support your existing team to optimize performance and provide strategic guidance for transforming your customer engagement. We can also provide ongoing support, allowing you to keep a flatter in-house associate profile without losing expertise.

Our woman-owned business has more than 20 years of experience.

Contact Center solutions include:

  • Workforce Optimization (WFO) and labor model review
  • BPO contract review and negotiation
  • BPO auditing and quality assurance – call management and billing audits
  • Managing an RFP process for BPO partnership and/or ongoing BPO management
  • Instructional Design – Train the Trainer and maintaining knowledge management tools
  • Consultative Sales and compliance training – improving the monetization of each transaction
  • Quality Assurance development – scorecarding what is important to your brand,
  • Creating outbound call and email programs for sales and customer satisfaction
  • Reporting and scorecard development – Agent performance through Executive review

Sales solutions include:

  • Creating highly profitable branded recurring revenue streams
  • Optimizing existing recurring revenue streams
  • Customer segmentation performance review and optimization
  • Creating new sales channels through post transactional customer journeys
  • Reviewing existing or recommending Loyalty programs
  • Social response audit and training – including Meta, Twitter, Ratings and Reviews

Cathy Bauer, President

I have over 20 years of strategic leadership in service, insurance and retail industries representing all areas of the customer experience. I am passionate about developing well branded and efficient experiences throughout the eCom and contact center customer journeys. I specialize in finding the right combination of technology and cost efficient labor support to meet your business goals. Every company is different and wants to create unique, positive and memorable customer experiences, within their allotted budgets. I have worldwide contacts in the BPO industry and have managed organizations ranging from 30 to 2000 agents. I have demonstrated ability in creative sales solutions that augment revenue with a high GM with no inventory or capital investment.

We have assembled an amazingly talented team of contact center industry experts to affordably augment and improve your customer engagement. Our team of consultants have all demonstrated results in their specific areas of expertise to compliment your organization.

I am confident we can build a personalized plan to meet your specific needs and assist your team reach or exceed your customer facing and sales goals.

Please reach out to us to book your free introductory meeting to see how we can help today.

Let Us Transform Your Customer Experience

Whether you are interested in just one channel of service or a complete examination of your customer journey, we will provide the level of expert advice your organization needs to save draining operational expenses without sacrificing significant investment in your customer engagement.

Schedule a 15-minute discovery call or email us today at [email protected] for more information.